++website launched++

It happened. I realized if you look up “Travis Randall” in Google, you get something from Hey Arnold. That’s not my brand, apologies to the frothing masses of Arnold-heads out there. So that left me with trying to beef up a presence on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook or go another route. I’m not a social media expert and the people who are scare me. So, website it is.

Plan is, use this site to promote the upcoming release of my debut novel Hounding: A Tale of the Heaving Sky…maybe toss in some blogs or fiction scraps, reviews. I’m currently going through Gene Wolfe’s The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. It (like much of Wolfe’s work) is flooring, so expect a piece about that. Or, if I never write said piece, don’t expect it. I expect you to use your judgement.


A Different HOUNDING Excerpt